The Divine Blueprint
The Journey of Dr. John Ughulu and Mainseed Christian University

Dr. John Ughulu’s journey began with a vision that was undoubtedly divine. It was at the heat of the CORONA VIRUS (COVID19) pandemic in the year 2020 when he first received a vision from God that would change his life forever. God put 2 Timothy 2:2 in the heart of John. In this verse Paul tells Timothy to take the things he learned and commit them to faithful men and women. Dr. John Ughulu received a clear vision to go into the world and create academic institutions (group of schools) for Christian Leadership empowerment.

With unwavering faith in Jesus Christ and a heart full of determination, Dr. Ughulu embarked on his mission. He partnered with a friend who shared his vision and together they Co-founded his first Bible college in November of 2020. That Bible college was the first step in fulfilling God’s calling and it was a place where knowledge and faith in Jesus Christ would merge to illuminate the path to purpose.

For three years, Dr. Ughulu poured his heart and resources into the growth of the Bible College as the institution’s Pioneer President and visionary Leader. The College thrived under his leadership, impacting countless lives globally. However, as time passed, Dr. Ughulu began to sense another vision. In the mid-months of the year 2023, the vision became clearer for Dr. Ughulu to step aside from the Bible college and also to relinquish all his shares as Co-Founder to the continuous growth of the institution under a new leadership.

With tears in his eyes and a heart full of trust, Dr. Ughulu obeyed the divine instruction. He knew that his journey was not yet complete and that God had a different plan in mind. The other Co-Founder continued the noble work at that college, while Dr. Ughulu awaited further guidance from God.

In the last quarter of 2023, the vision became clearer and Dr. Ughulu knew it was God’s divine instruction, and this time, the message was clear: “It is time to plant a new seed, to nurture a fresh vision.” Mark 16:15 became an obvious assignment at this point. In this verse, Jesus tells the deciples to ensure that the gospel is preached to all in every nuke and cranny of the world. Dr. Ughulu was to establish Mainseed Christian University, a place where the roots of faith in Jesus Christ would intertwine with the branches of knowledge, and the fruits of purpose would be harvested.

With renewed passion and unwavering trust in God’s plan, Dr. John Ughulu embarked on the journey to create Mainseed Christian University (MCU). He knew it would be a place of transformation, a beacon of hope for those seeking their purpose in life through higher education. Just as a seed contains the potential for a mighty tree, he believed that each person held the potential for a life of significance, guided by faith and knowledge.

And so, Mainseed Christian University was born, a testament to Dr. Ughulu’s obedience to the divine callings that had shaped his life. With every brick laid, with every book placed on a shelf, with every student welcomed, the university stood as a living testament to faith, purpose, and the belief that God’s plan is always greater than our own.

Dr. John Ughulu’s journey had come full circle, from a dream in 2020 to the establishment of Mainseed Christian University in 2023. It was a journey marked by faith, vision, obedience, and an unshakable belief that every person has a purpose waiting to be discovered, nurtured, and lived to its fullest potential in the light of God’s guidance. JESUS IS LORD!