Our Partner

Welcome to an extraordinary collaboration between the John Ughulu Foundation and Mainseed Christian University, dedicated to making education accessible. Our comprehensive initiative offers a range of invaluable services, all provided at no cost to Georgia residents only.

Our Comprehensive Services:

  1. Admission Liaison Services: Streamlining the admission process, we guide aspiring students seamlessly into Mainseed Christian University, ensuring a smooth transition into their educational journey.
  2. Virtual Classrooms: Cutting-edge virtual facilities that serve as dynamic spaces for engaging lectures, fostering an environment conducive to transformative learning experiences.
  3. Tutoring Services (Virtual): Personalized support to enhance understanding and mastery of subjects, ensuring that each student receives the guidance they need to excel in their studies.
  4. Exam Proctoring (Virtual): A secure and reliable service to ensure fair and standardized assessment procedures, maintaining the integrity of the educational process.
  5. Career Coaching: Guiding individuals towards their professional goals, providing valuable insights and resources to empower them on their career paths.
  6. Book Club: A vibrant intellectual community promoting the joy of reading and the exchange of ideas among students and community members.
  7. Study Groups (Virtual): Collaborative learning environments where individuals can come together, share insights, and reinforce their understanding of course materials.

Interested in our Partner Program please fill out the form.

Key Features:

Cost-Free Services: Our commitment to eliminating financial barriers ensures that quality education is accessible to all who need it.

Holistic Empowerment: From admission to career guidance, our initiative aims to empower individuals holistically, fostering personal and professional growth to all who need it.

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